November 15, 2012

Hallo All!

The purpose of these blog is to tell the exciting experience to built a Pitts aircraft through my personal experience, photo and documentation... as possible. These in order to promote amateur constructions as"low cost" solution to own a great airplane.The blog will be updated each time there will be news or progress on the building process. So...stay tuned!

The Pitts S1-C is the oldest version of a Pitts. He is a single seat biplane. The Smithsonian  National Air and space Museum in Washington, D.C. has called these aircraft created in 1943 "revolutionary” because of its small size, light weight, short wingspan and extreme agility". And… I add, fast and robust to.
Pitts is synonymous whit aerobatic and was, my opinion, the best one...until a new generation of “Composite” aircraft have been made.
These version is not factory built today and is only available if you buy it from someone or if you built one by yourself.
Steen Aero Lab in “Florida U.S.A.” currently sell plans and some components for these version. They have the old hand made plans drawn by Curtiss and also a new CAD version.
I decided to built from CAD version because they are clear an “accurate” than the other version. “ACCURATE” because sometimes measure are missing and inconsistencies are present, and leave to builder skills solve problems. Anyway is the only plan set available for the C model. I also have the S1-S version plans set from Aviat. Those set of plans, today are used by Aviat to built the S1-S certified aircraft. I'll use them as cross reference when  problems or inconsistencies will be found.

Why this aircraft rather than another?

The Pitts special is a world class aerobatic airplane. This means that controls are light and the airplane is very
responsive, you don’t fly this airplane, you wear it. There is no slop in the controls, you ask it to do something and it does it, but if you want fly smooth...yes it can like any other.

Is single seat. My passion for flying over time has involved many people, but only marginally, so don't need to bring with me friends or kin, especially for trilling experiences. I can rent a cessna...for their! The second seat add cost when building.

Is small. These feature give lot advantages. You don't need lot of space when buid, saving some money respect other biplanes...less tube..less wood..less fabric. Can be parked under the wing of another plane! this helps when you look for hangar spot.

Engine flexibility. May be equipped  with engine from 85HP to 180HP. With an inverted oil system kit can easily became a full aerobatic toy.

Poor cockpit panel. I mean, that inside a pitts the only hydraulic system present is for breaking purpose. The pilot panel is composed by few instruments...thats help on manteinance and cost.

For many years, pilots have been pushing the envelope with the S-1 and it has one of the most proven structures in the world.

And because, simply i like it more then others airplanes!

Why build and not buy!

Is easy to answer this question. A new S1-S from Aviat is quoted about 158.000$ the engine is new and represent one/third of the entire cost. If you buy used there are two options. Factory built and certyfied or Experimental.
If factory build  is probably a good airplane but you have to see well his aerobatic so the stucuture may be over-stressed and anyway you can spent all between 130.000$ for a new one in good condition till 20.000$ for a thirty year old, where you need to rebuilt all! is hard to find a good compromise between condition, cost and quality.
Experimental, very cheap, but once again is hard to find a good compromise between condition, cost and quality and you need to verify if all things are in their place. Average cost are from 15.000$ for a flying one to 40.000$-50.000$ for a good one. In these case, important is the engine condition.
If you build 50% by yourself and 50% you buy...a flying brand new machine can cost 50.000$ but if you buid 70% and buy 30% can be yours for 30.000$ ,sure! Time taken for the construction is free.
But in these case you can apply all custom modification you want and nothing you don't.
I'll be able to get a repairman certificate because i know how is put togheter.
The main disadvantages is time spent building...but is my hobby so i don't care!