This is a list of tools that i'm using in these project with a brief description, some of them were bought, others i've built by myself trying to keep cost low as much i can. I'm building a pitts not the space until it is safe and works...i'll try with the easier way i can!
Wing Table setup
I built these table measuring 5.2 meters long and 1.2 wide to easly accomodate the fusolage first and the wings later. Is made by cast iron bars with adjustable legs. Top is covered whit 20 mm MDF sheets. Legs are bolted on top and bottom frame so when i don't need it anymore can disassemble all things and put it aside. All painted red.
New Workbench
No need to say a lot...i made it whit wing table spare parts..and painted red! I like that color? yes but i did it red because is the remaining paint again!
These is my new bench grinder! My wife gift! I placed on top of these table that i built whit workbench spare parts! And painted red again! Ok dont worry about iron and paint..they are over! Grinder is useful for many job..Tig tungsten tip grinding, drill bits recovery, tube grinding...and i leave to your imagination what else can be done!
My tig welder! she is the TIG NX170. After one year trying to figure out what would be right for me i decided for she. Is very cheap! and works great! like his blue bigger mum. Is inverted generator an has HF Start, Lift start, 4Time and 2 time options. Pulsed and range from 5 to 170 Amps! Post gas, pre gas and all timing adjustable...only the torch is a bit heavy. but i can find a new one out there!
I rented a big 120 CubicFeet argon tank where i've installed a regulator with flow meter.
You can find his operators manual under Documentation Page
Home made Tube Bender
At some point we need to bend some 3/4 tube, and i've tryed to figure out how! there are many options and i decided to buil a very easy bender. I built a small table were to bolt all in, were i use my drill press vise to hold tubes in place. I built the bender using as dies the wheels of a home sliding gate.. they are very strong, heavy and cheap! The smalll table is adjustable and can be fitted on my band saw that bacames useful for cutting steel plates.
Tube Notcher
This tube notcher is useful fixture for a drill press, allows you to make round cutts in pipes and tubing of varius shapes at any angle from 0° to 60°. I built a new base that i welded to the notcher to better fit my drill press. His spindle can accomodate 1/2 threads hole saw and there is an adapter for 5/8 threads models that can be screwed on over the 1/2 thread. Is a very inexpensive toll,that help to notch tubes easly, but can't be used alone, sometimes we need to use files and grinders to mat tubes.
It works at low speed, for 4130 tubes about 500 RPM. and it depends on tube diameter.
As you work you need to lubrificate very well, bot the hole saw and the harbor to extend service life.
Band Saw
Femi band saw, useful for accurate tubes cutting. Dual speed, can efford till 10 Cm diameter steel solid bars. I made a fixutre where you can install the tube bender bench in...and she became a vertical bend saw for cutting plates.
Drill cordless and Dremel toll
The Dremel rotary tool offers the precision and control required to complete a wide range of projects. Has variable speed control, low for cleaning applications and the high speed setting for routing, cutting and sanding. Usefull to clean tubes with a carbon steell brush and grinding for precise tube mating.
AEG cordless drill, is light and powerfull hope durable to! useful for drilling everything that comes to your mind.
Drill Press
This is my drill press, built by FOX that is a low cost italian FEMI brand. After years of use i rebuilt his engine as we do in italy! and replaced his shaft and installed a more precise mandrel. His engine now generate about 0.8 Kw. Mandrel range from 200 to 1800 RPM.