Service bulletins are tecnical repair issue given by the patent holder of a component. these can ba mandatory or recomended. Compliance is required within the period and model specified in the bullettin. Caution: the following list is for consulting purpose only.
Service Bulletin 7
Service Bulletin 8
Service Bulletin 9
Service Bulletin 10
Service Bulletin 11
Service Bulletin 12
Service Bulletin 13
Service Bulletin 14
Service Bulletin 17
Service Bulletin 18
Service Bulletin 19
Service Bulletin 22
Service Bulletin 24
Service Bulletin 25
Service Bulletin 30
Service Bulletin 34
Materials Specification:
Aeronautic materials are materials, frequently metal, alloys,wood that have either been developed for, or have come to prominence through, their use for aeronautics purposes.This is a collection of documents regarding materials involved in the construction of these aircraft.
Tools and Building Techniques related:
Here there is a collection relating tools that i'm using and techniques i've learned. I composed some of these documents for future reference, and because these way to operate helps me to better focus on what i'm doing.

Everlast Tig200 welder Settings (Video)
The Everlast Tig200 welder seems to me the NX170HF.
Everlast Tig200 welder demonstration (Video)
These video show how she work.
Tig Welding for Aircraft Constructions (ITA)
These book explains the basic principles of Tig Welding.
Harbor Freight Tube Notcher
These is a video about my tube notcher where you can see how it works.
Drill Bits Conversion Chart
Useful to convert drill bits measures from imperial to metric, also give you the hole diameter you should expect.
To make a good tube joint use these
These is a script to create a joint between two round tube.
Here you can find general articles regarding flyghts, building and maitenance techniques aircraft related.

Article about problems that occour in converging landing gear.
N.A.C.A. M6 Airfoil
Thise note describes M6 Airfoils characteristics, which is the wing profile of the "C" version pitts.