September 23, 2014

3/16 Bending Block done!

Sorry...I have not posted for a while! but i'm working hard these days.
Haven' t made significant ​​progress on pitts project.
I finished assembling a 3/16 bending block radius that i bolted on my reinforced vise. 
I did some tests of bending steel and... she works great!

September 15, 2014

Bending Block

I have't had much time to build these days...but i had a great conversation with some biplane forum builders about bending 4130 steel plates where i get very usefull tips...
Next time, i will pay attention on grain orientation. Bending along the grain is a big no! and increases the likelihood the steel will crack along the bend. Second i will bend first, leaving extra material, and then trim to size afterward. Bend will be made on bending blocks..that i'm building. Pics nex time!  And as someone said.. "don't get mad, get a bigger hammer! "

September 2, 2014

Rudder Horn

Today I worked on the rudder horn. Curtiss call for these part a 0.095 thick sheet, but i did it with my 0.100, i believe that adding "Knots" sometimes is safer and this will make my wife happy to! First of all i drew template and  than drilled holes. Every time i make holes, first i use to mark the centre of a point with a center punch, than i drill a pilot hole with Center drill bits.  thay are used to provide a starting hole for a larger-sized drill bit.Usually i use the #3.Traditional drill bits may tend to wander when started on an unprepared surface. Once a bit wanders it is difficult to bring it back on center. A center drill bit instead provides a reasonable starting point as it is short and rigid therefore has a reduced tendency to wander when drilling is started.

Cutting 0.100 sheet with a vertical bandsaw.

Piece almost done! ned to bend the two lugs, that i left a bit longer and stright. I'll give them the right shape after being bent.